50TL 01 Nov 
Cazzip Project
November 01-21:00 PM - November 01-23:00 PM The Badau İstanbul

Giriş: 50TL Rezervasyon: 05323064334 Cazzip Project Aslı Özer (p), Erhan Ertetik (b), Ertuğrul Biber (d) 2012 senesinde ortaya çıkan Cazzip Project, piyanoda Aslı Özer, bas gitarda Erhan Ertetik ve davulda Ertuğrul Biber’den oluşmaktadır. 2014 Nardis Genç Caz yarışmasını kazanarak 21. İstanbul Caz Festivali’nde sahne alan grup, dinleyicilere caz standartlarının yanı sıra kendi bestelerinden oluşan farklı ritim ve melodik yapılar sunarak yepyeni bir deneyim yaşatıyor. --- Entrance Fee: 50 TL Rezervation: +905323064334 Cazzip Project Aslı Özer (p), Erhan Ertetik (b), Ertuğrul Biber (d) Cazzip Project was founded by Aslı Özer on the piano, Erhan Ertetik on the bass guitar and Ertuğrul Biber on the drums in 2012. The group came in first place in Nardis Young Jazz Competition in 2014 and performed in 21st Istanbul Jazz Festival. They are performing different rhythm and melodic structures by playing jazz standards along with some of their own compositions creating a different experience for the audience.
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