29. Akbank Caz Festivali - Kerem Görsev Trio

29. Akbank Caz Festivali Kerem Görsev Trio Türkiye caz sahnesinin önde gelen müzisyenlerinden Kerem Görsev, fark yaratacak bir performans ile Akbank Caz Festivali sahnesinin konuğu oluyor. 1994’te yayımladığı ilk albümü “Hands & Lips”in ardından 18 başarılı albümle kariyerine devam eden ve bugüne kadar dünya genelinde pek çok prestijli sahnede yer almasının yanı sıra Alan Broadbent, Ernie Watts ve Joe LaBarbera gibi yıldızlarla işbirliklerine imza atan Görsev, kendine has projelerine bir yenisini daha ekliyor. Bu sürprizli gecede, İstanbul’un cazla iç içe geçmiş 12 semtinin eşsiz hikayeleri, Kerem Görsev’in piyanosuyla ses vereceği etkileyici besteleri üzerinden izleyiciyle buluşacak. Şehrin caz halini bestelerine içtenlikle yansıtan Görsev’e sahnede Ferit Odman ve Volkan Hürsever eşlik edecek. İstanbul hikayelerinin caz melodileriyle buluşacağı bu özel akşamda bize katılın. Kerem Görsev: Piyano Ferit Odman: Davul Volkan Hürsever: Kontrbas /// 29th Akbank Jazz Festival Kerem Görsev Trio One of Turkey’s most prominent jazz musicians, Kerem Görsev will be the guest of Akbank Jazz Festival with an impressive performance. Following his debut album “Hands & Lips” in 1994, Görsev continued his career with 18 successful albums. He has performed on many prestigious stages worldwide and collaborated with stars such as Alan Broadbent, Ernie Watts, and Joe LaBarbera. Now he is adding a new one to his unique projects. Astonishing stories of twelve jazz districts of Istanbul will meet the audience through the compositions of Kerem Görsev. On the stage, Ferit Odman and Volkan Hürsever will accompany the virtuoso pianist, who sincerely reflects the city’s relationship with jazz. Join us on this special evening where beautiful stories of Istanbul will meet jazz melodies. Kerem Görsev: Piano Ferit Odman: Drums Volkan Hürsever: Double Bass
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Ferit Odman
DrumsFerit Odman is an on demand and busy jazz drummer based in Istanbul. He started his music studies in Sweden as an AFS exchange student (1999), got a full scholarship to get his B.A.

Kerem Görsev
PianoKerem Görsev began his adventure in music at the age of 6 when he started studying piano at the classical music conservatory in Istanbul.

Volkan Hürsever
ContrabassHe completed his undergraduate studies at İstanbul University State Conservatory as a Double bass major and later got his MA degree from the “Tambour” department of Haliç University Turkish Music C