Tuna Ötenel

Tuna Ötenel was born in Istanbul in 1947. He started playing piano at five years old. His father, Ahmetoğlu Cevdet Bey was a violinist and concert performer, and guided Tuna in his steps. Ötenel was accepted by Ankara where he quickly recognized his gifts. He received traditional teaching by Professor Ulvi Cemal Erkin and Ferhunde Erkin. Ötenel regards jazz as the fundamental element of his life and concentrates his career on jazz music. In 1964, Ötenel joined the jazz band of Metin Gürel, which opened the gates to his career. He started playing alto saxophone, tenor and soprano, and became the best of his generation. After working with Şabar Yurdatapan, Atilla Özdemiroğlu, Cezmi Başeğmez in several bands, Ötenel joined Erol Pekcan’s Band in 1978, which produced the first jazz album in Turkey, called “Jazz Semai”. He animated during 10 years an emission of radio in Turkey. Since 1980 he was the head of an orchestra, arranger and a soloist for various musical events. Performing concerts in Turkey and abroad, he was invited to the United States by the Foreign Minister. Ötenel also played in Sweden with the trumpet player Maffy Muvaffak Falay and in Europe with the percussionist Okay Temiz and the nay player Aka Gündüz Kutbay on several occasions. They produced the album “Zikir”. In 1994, Ötenel produced and composed the album “Sometimes”. In 1995, he went to Houston as a guest of honor. Since then he has taken part in many festivals in Turkey and abroad. During his career, he has played with some famous musicians such as Benny Carter, Harry Sweets Edison, Karin Krog, Hilton Ruiz, Victor Sproles, Buster Williams, Herbie Hancock, Peter King, Pierre Michelot, Philippe Combelle, and Jean Loup Longnon. Ötenel released his last album in 1999, accompanied by Pierre Michelot and Philippe Combelle entitled “l’Ecume de Vian”, primarily composed of his own work. Ötenel still plays regularly in Parisian Jazz clubs.
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