20TL 04 Feb 
Çağrı Sertel Instant
February 04-21:30 PM - February 05-00:30 AM BOVA

Çağrı Sertel Music: Piyano Engin Recepoğulları: Saksofon Sarp Maden: Gitar Orhan Deniz: Bas Ediz Hafizoglu: Davul Müzisyen Katkı Payı: 20₺
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Çağrı Sertel
PianoÇağrı Sertel started his musical training at the age of 12 with piano lessons. He studied at Highschool of Fine Arts and started to compose music.

Ediz Hafızoğlu
DrumsBorn in Bulgaria, never had a homeland, always been lucky enough to find his path with the help of great masters, he lived for music, he lived with music and he still does.

Engin Recepoğulları
SaxophoneEngin Recepoğulları was born in Ankara, in 1980. He studied jazz harmony with Ömür Gidel, and saxophone and improvisation with Ricky Ford.