Öner Karaçuha Trio - KONSER

Enstrumanlar B)barış dağhan (K&S) emre tukur (D) öner Karacuha Öner Karaçuha: Şimdiye kadar birçok farklı tarzlarda stüdyo albümleri kaydetti, stüdyo müzisyenliğinin yanı sıra çeşitli grup, sanatçı ve müzisyenlerle albüm kayıt , canlı performans ve projelerde yer almaya devam etmektedir, Aynı zamanda kendi müzik stüdyosunda davul derslerini ve projelerini ve dore müzik bünyesinde davul eğitmenliğini sürdürmektedir. Sponsorları : 4c music, Sabian cymbals okecajon onerkaracuha.com Öner Karaçuha is taking to the stage at hancı sahne before having his debut album of electronic and jazz fusion styles. Öner Karaçuha; He completed his undergraduate degree in Statistics then he quit his graduate education on Business Administration at thesis stage. He joined so many festivals, competitions and concerts with different bands and musicians when he was at high school and college. In 2009, he worked with Uğur Doğruyol at Ritmiz Davul Atölyesi. Then he won a scholarship to register to Modern Müzik Akademisi. During his education period at Modern Müzik Akademisi, he worked with Güç Başar Gülle, Berke Özgümüş and Doruk Somunkıran. He was accepted to Bahçeşehir University Jazz Program with scholarship. During the program he worked and played with Cem Aksel, Baki Duyarlar, Şevket Akıncı and Sibel Köse. Until now, he recorded studio albums with different styles. In addition to his studio musician career, he has been continuing to take part in live performances, projects and album records. He also continues to give drum lessons and instructions in his own studio and within Dore Müzik platform. Sponsors: 4c music, Sabian cymbals, okecajon Müzisyen Katkı Payı 25 tl
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