Hermon Mehari Quartet

Hermon Mehari (tp), Jef Giansily (p), Apostolos Sideris (b), Mehmet Ali Şimayli (d). Hermon Mehari’nin beklenen ilk albümü Bleu kariyerinde yeni bir sayfa açtı. Bu albümde piyanoda ECM sanatçısı Aaron Parks, alto saksofonda Blue Note sanatçısı Logan Richardson, basta Rick Rosato ve davulda Ryan J. Lee ile çaldı. Bleu albümü çıkar çıkmaz iTunes caz listesinde 1 numara oldu. Mehari, 2015’te uluslararası yarışma Carmine Caruso international Trumpet Competition’ı kazandı ve 2014 Thelonious Monk Jazz Competition’ın da yarı finalisti oldu. 2013’te dünyaca ünlü saksafoncu Bobby Watson’un Check Cashing Day albümünde yer aldı. 2014’te Diverse ile Our Journey isimli albümü çıkardı. 2014’te Fransa, Clermont-Ferrand’da, Jazz en Tête festivalinin baş sanatçısıydı. Mehari’nin şu anda hem kendi grubunda hem de başka müzisyenlerin grubunda çaldığı bir turne programı var. Hermon Mehari, Paris li piyanist Jef Giansily, Yunan basçı Apostolos Sideris ve Türk davulcu Mehmet Ali Şimayli eşlik edecek. *** Hermon Mehari (tp), Jef Giansily (p), Apostolos Sideris (b), Mehmet Ali Şimayli (d). Hermon Mehari’s anticipated debut album as a leader, “Bleu”, marks a new era in his career. “Bleu” includes ECM recording artist Aaron Parks on piano, Blue Note recording artist Logan Richardson on alto saxophone, Peter Schlamb on vibraphone, Ryan J. Lee on drums and Rick Rosato on bass. The album hit number one on iTunes charts few days after its release. Mehari was the recent winner of the 2015 Carmine Caruso International Trumpet Competition and a semifinalist in the 2014 Thelonious Monk Jazz Competition. He was also the winner of the 2008 National Trumpet Competition and placed 2nd in the International Trumpet Guild competition in Sydney, Australia. In 2014 he released the CD “Our Journey” with Diverse, his second with the group. Mehari maintains a touring schedule around the world with his own group and as a sideman. Mehari was the headliner of the 2014 Jazz en Tête Festival in Clermont-Ferrand, France and was featured on the world-renowned saxophonist Bobby Watson’s 2013 release, “Check Cashing Day”. For this concert, Hermon Mehari is joining Paris native pianist Jef Giansily, Greek bassist Apostolos Sideris and Turkish drummer Mehmet Ali Şimayli. Müzisyen Katkı Payı:20₺
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Apostolos Sideris
ContrabassApostolos Sideris was born in 1978 in Athens, Greece, where he had his first musical training, playing the classical flute.

Jef Giansily
Piano<p>Jef Giansily (Paris, 1980) is a French pianist who currently resides in Istanbul.