Cem Tuncer Quartet feat. Ricky Ford

Cem Tuncer (g) Ricky Ford (s) Engin Recepoğulları (s) Volkan Hürsever (b) Ediz Hafizoglu (d) Türkiye caz müziğinin önde gelen gitarist ve prodüktörlerinden Cem Tuncer in ilk single çalışması “Intro”, Lin Records etiketiyle yayında. “Intro” 25 Ekim’de yayınlanacak “Alright!” adını taşıyan albümün açılış parçası. Saksafonun efsane ismi Ricky Ford’un da eşlik ettiği “Intro”, Tuncer’in yeni albümünü müjdeliyor... Müzisyen Katkı Payı: 35₺
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Cem Tuncer
GuitarM.Cem Tuncer was born in 1978.

Ediz Hafızoğlu
DrumsBorn in Bulgaria, never had a homeland, always been lucky enough to find his path with the help of great masters, he lived for music, he lived with music and he still does.

Engin Recepoğulları
SaxophoneEngin Recepoğulları was born in Ankara, in 1980. He studied jazz harmony with Ömür Gidel, and saxophone and improvisation with Ricky Ford.

Volkan Hürsever
ContrabassHe completed his undergraduate studies at İstanbul University State Conservatory as a Double bass major and later got his MA degree from the “Tambour” department of Haliç University Turkish Music C