10TL 22 May 
Çağrı Sertel Instant
May 22-21:30 PM - May 23-00:30 AM BOVA

Çağrı Sertel Instant 22 Mayıs Çarşamba Bova Sahne de! Çağrı Sertel: (p) Sarp Maden (g) Engin Recepoğulları (s) Volkan Öktem (d) Volkan Hürsever (b)
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Çağrı Sertel
PianoÇağrı Sertel started his musical training at the age of 12 with piano lessons. He studied at Highschool of Fine Arts and started to compose music.

Engin Recepoğulları
SaxophoneEngin Recepoğulları was born in Ankara, in 1980. He studied jazz harmony with Ömür Gidel, and saxophone and improvisation with Ricky Ford.

Sarp Maden
Volkan Hürsever
ContrabassHe completed his undergraduate studies at İstanbul University State Conservatory as a Double bass major and later got his MA degree from the “Tambour” department of Haliç University Turkish Music C

Volkan Öktem
DrumsVolkan Öktem was born on June 25, 1970 in Izmir. He became interested in music around the age of 7.