29. Akbank Caz Festivali - Bebop Project

29. Akbank Caz Festivali Bebop Project Swing rüzgarının var gücüyle estiği 1940’ların sonunda ortaya çıkan Bebop janrı, o dönemde popüler olan dans odaklı caz melodilerinden farklı olarak yepyeni bir yol açmıştı. Yüksek tempolu bebop ritimleri, seyircinin sadece sahneye odaklandığı, emprovizasyonları ve soloları hayranlıkla izlediği performanslar yaratıyordu. Bugün hala çağdaş caz dilinin önemli bir parçası olan bu janrın en iyi örnekleri, Akbank Caz Festivali’nde Bebop Project ile yer buluyor. Bebop efsanelerinden Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Clifford Brown, Bud Powell ve Thelonious Monk gibi önemli müzisyenlerin eserlerinin yanı sıra orjinal bestelerin de yorumlanacağı festival akşamında trompette Şenova Ülker, tenor saksafonda Engin Recepoğulları, gitarda Önder Focan, basta Ozan Musluoğlu ve davulda Ayhan Öztoplu sahne alacak. Şenova Ülker: Trompet Engin Recepoğulları: Tenor Saksafon Önder Focan: Gitar Ozan Musluoğlu: Bas Ayhan Öztoplu: Davul /// 29th Akbank Jazz Festival Bebop Project The Bebop genre, which emerged in the late 1940s during the golden age of Swing, broke new ground in contrast to dance-oriented jazz melodies that were popular at the time. The high-paced bebop rhythms created performances that the audience focused only on the stage, being admired by improvisations and solos. The best examples of this genre, which is still an important part of the jazz language today, takes place in Akbank Jazz Festival with Bebop Project. Şenova Ülker on trumpet, Engin Recepoğulları on tenor saxophone, Önder Focan on guitar, Ozan Musluoğlu on bass and Ayhan Öztoplu on drums, the quartet will take the stage, performing tunes of Bebop giants Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Clifford Brown, Bud Powell, Thelonious Monk and also their originals. Şenova Ülker: Trumpet Engin Recepoğulları: Tenor Saxophone Önder Focan: Guitar Ozan Musluoğlu: Bass Ayhan Öztoplu: Drums
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Ayhan Öztoplu
Engin Recepoğulları
SaxophoneEngin Recepoğulları was born in Ankara, in 1980. He studied jazz harmony with Ömür Gidel, and saxophone and improvisation with Ricky Ford.

Önder Focan
GuitarÖnder Focan started music by playing mandolin at the age of 8. He switched to guitar at 15 and concentrated on jazz in 1975.

Ozan Musluoğlu
Bass guitar, ContrabassBorn in Germany, Ozan Musluoglu started playing bass guitar at the age of sixteen. He graduated from the Music Department at Bilgi University in Istanbul.

Şenova Ülker
TrumpetSenova Ülker started his education in trumpet at the Ankara State Conservatory in 1969 and completed it upon his graduation with honors from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in 1979.