İpek Göztepe

İpek Göztepe
İpek Göztepe, born in 1997 in Istanbul, started her music training at Istanbul University State Conservatory Piano Department. She took part in various Classical Turkish Music and Western Music choirs. In 2013, her interest got diverted into jazz and soul music and she started performing at various local venues as a lead singer. Following these experiences on the stage, in 2016, she had the opportunity to be a part of Nilüfer Verdi’s project and to perform with valuable musicians such as Volkan Hürsever, Apostolos Sideris and Nedim Ruacan. İpek Göztepe, performing her own project in various jazz clubs and venues, qualified for going to Poland Pulawy Jazz Workshop at the 13th Nardis Young Jazz Vocal Competition in 2017. She’s continuing her education at Yıldız Technical University, Communication Design Department and taking courses on theory from Güç Başar Gülle and on jazz vocal from Randy Esen.
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İpek Göztepe's upcoming events

İpek Göztepe's past events

İpek Göztepe Quartet

February 16-21:00 PM - February 16-23:00 PM

İpek Göztepe Trio

April 12-21:00 PM - April 12-23:00 PM

İpek Göztepe / Nilüfer Verdi / Baran Say

December 06-21:00 PM - December 06-23:00 PM

Giriş: 50 TL Rezervasyon: 05323064334 İpek Göztepe feat. Nilüfer Verdi İpek Göztepe (v), Nilüfer Verdi (p), Baran Say (b) İpek Göztepe Müziğe İstanbul Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuarı’nda yarı zamanlı olarak aldığı Piyano eğitimiyle başladı. İstanbul Devlet Senfoni Orkestrası ve Emin Ongan Üsküdar Musiki Cemiyeti dahil olmak üzere çeşitli Klasik Türk Müziği ve Klasik Batı Müziği korolarında yer aldı. On altı yaşından itibaren profesyonel olarak Caz kökenli müzik türlerine ait çeşitli repertuarlar ile sahne almaya başladı.